Approach to Conservation
Creating the largest protected areas on the planet
The concept of protecting areas of ecological, biological or cultural importance is not new. World Parks, Inc. proposes establishing protected areas on a geographic scale that has, up until now, only been discussed in global forums or in scientific literature as best case scenarios to mitigate the effects of climate change. We envision dramatically increasing the percentage of protected terrestrial and marine ecosystems around the globe. In ecological terms, it is preferential to protect larger, intact areas rather than a patchwork of smaller locations that are separate and unconnected. With World Parks’ projected areas exceeding 20,000,000 square kilometers (roughly 7,720,000 square miles), these will truly be WORLD Parks, sanctuaries preserved for the planet's future generations.
Utilizing existing protected areas
World Parks, Inc. recognizes the hard work and tireless efforts of the individuals, communities, organizations and governments that champion the protection of the environment in the past. Acknowledging these successes, World Parks, Inc. suggests building upon existing frameworks to determine the locations and sizes of World Parks. By forming corridors between fragmented ecoregions, the physical footprints of protected areas can be substantially increased.
Using information from the United Nations and the International Union for Conservation of Nature, we have collected, analyzed and mapped current protected areas around the world and created a proposed map for each World Parks location based on high concentrations of existing parks with an emphasis on important ecospheres that have minimal infrastructure, continent by continent. Highlighting what already exists to local stakeholders, policymakers, NGOs and governments creates a tangible visual example of how connecting protected areas into larger World Parks is achievable. The expected positive environmental effects will lead to groundbreaking social and economic innovation.
Bringing natural places back into our lives
There are many inspiring examples of reintroducing endangered species, rewilding places that were altered for human use and planting (millions of) trees to mitigate the effects of climate change. We want to change the narrative of what it means to do more for the planet, by doing less.
World Parks mission is to protect large areas, preferably those that do not yet have human interference or infrastructure in place (e.g. roads, buildings or farms). Many of them are still wild. This will allow interested visitors to enjoy pristine wilderness, trekking in themselves as opposed to driving or flying in. This will minimize the impact visitors have on the protected areas.
The creation of a World Park means building something the world has never seen - leaving it as nature intended.